Welcome to weatherman’s documentation!¶

Create an Elastic Beanstalk Environment. Options will be read from your config_path (default ~/.weathermanrc). Additional options will be passed through to eb create. See eb create –help for more information.

usage: weatherman [-h] [--config-path CONFIG_PATH] [--env ENV]
                  [--stack-version STACK_VERSION] [--stack-type STACK_TYPE]
                  [--private-subnets PRIVATE_SUBNETS]
                  [--public-subnets PUBLIC_SUBNETS]
                  [--elb-subnets ELB_SUBNETS] [--vpc-id VPC_ID]
                  [--instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE] [--iam-profile IAM_PROFILE]
                  [--ec2-keyname EC2_KEYNAME] [--assign-public-ip]
                  [--assign-elb-public-ip] [--profile PROFILE]
                  [--notification-email NOTIFICATION_EMAIL]
                  [--prompt-db-password] [--dry-run]
                  [--db-instance-class DB_INSTANCE_CLASS]
                  [--db-engine DB_ENGINE] [--db-size DB_SIZE]
                  [--db-version DB_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
appname Application name
 Custom config file path (default is ~/.weathermanrc)
--env=dev Environment to create (dev, qa, pt, prod)
 Version identifier (e.g. 2 for dev2)
 Type of stack to create (currently python34, python34docker, or nodejs)
 Comma-separated list of subnet ids for private instances
 Comma-separated list of subnet ids for public instances
--elb-subnets Comma-separated list of subnet ids for Elastic Load Balancers
--vpc-id VPC id for instances
 Instance type (t2.micro, m3.medium, etc.)
--iam-profile IAM profile name for EC2 instances
--ec2-keyname SSH key name to associate with instances
 Assign public IP to EC2 instances. Default is False.Default “false”
 Assign public IP to ELB. Default is False.
--profile Name of AWS config profile to use for AWS commands
 Email address to send stack updates to (Note: This will fail if you Ctrl-C out. Use eb config to edit it manually.)
 Prompt for DB password rather than building it from environment details. Defaults True for prod and false for other envs.
 Dry run mode. Won’t run external commands.
 Passed through to eb as –database.instance if –database is set.
--db-engine Passed through to eb as –database.engine if –database is set.
--db-size Passed through to eb as –database.size if –database is set.
--db-version Passed through to eb as –database.version if –database is set.